Takeaway Today

With SF now officially under a “Shelter in Place” protocol, working from home is seemingly our collective future for a bit. This is absolutely the right call given current circumstances as social distancing is without a doubt going to minimize the burden on our healthcare facilities. Do your part, and stay inside as often as possible.

Both as a challenge and a means to maintain sanity, every couple of days I’ll be working on and releasing mini-apps. There’s essentially no planning or premeditation here, simply making a collection of tools that help solve problems as they arise.

3/17 – Takeaway Today

Takeaway Today

After seeing a RFP (request for product) on Twitter, I created a platform that allows for the aggregation of businesses which have adapted to more recent demands (and restrictions) and are now providing takeaway or delivery options. Checkout the link and description below!

Takeaway Today is a directory of businesses & restaurants that have always (or now more recently) provided pickup or delivery services. Businesses can be submitted or edited as new updates are available! #takeawaytoday
