Sell Your Cause

Art by @broccoli__boy

Black lives matter yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever.

I left the Bay Area about a month ago. I didn’t leave because I was tired of the great weather or the abundance of surrounding nature. I left because I felt as if I needed to make more of an effort in leaving things better than I find them. The modern tech industry as a whole has a profound impact on our day-to-day lives – there’s no possible way to understate that. But the question becomes which of these organizations are actively working to leave a positive impact beyond a fleeting like or view? ⁣⁣

Some of the companies and products I’ve helped build in the past have focused on the promotion of personal wellness and mindfulness, individual financial empowerment, and seeking to serve those of us who are truly underserved. I’ve hoped this would be a great start, but there’s so much more that can be done.⁣⁣

I’m now working directly with nonprofits to better reach and cultivate personal relationships with both fundraisers and donors. This not only assists nonprofits in spreading their missions, but also helps keep the conversation going beyond a one-time donation. Yes I’ve only just started, and yes I still have a lot to learn in this industry, but I can’t think of a more poignant time to use what if any personal platforms we have to collectively promote these organizations in a time of absolute need and unjust action.⁣

If you want to get involved in building products and services to support nonprofits, let me know. If you’re looking for resources and locations of where to put forth effort or donations today, please check out the following link: ⁣

We are in this together.

A choice to do nothing is a vote for yes
A choice to do nothing is a vote for death
Sell Your Cause